Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Day A Life Was Saved

I have not written this story to be boastful or to show any person that I did anything special. Its just that I did something, a long time ago. That person is now 12 years old, a beautiful young woman. Twelve years and 6 months ago that person was the same person they are today.

I got a call from my daughter that her friend was pregnant and she was going to get an abortion at 1:30 that afternoon. I called a group of friends to gather and pray that somehow she would change her mind and not go through with it. I was feeling peace that somehow God would intervene.

I called her at 1:15 just as she was walking out the door. She told me later she almost didn't answer the phone as she was running late for her appointment.

She said she had no other choice, she had made up her mind and needed to leave immediatly.
I told her just take a minute and feel all the prayers that were coming in for her. Then I said I had called a group of pray warriors to ask for divine intervention, for her to not go through with her decision. I reassured her I loved her regardless of her decision, but there was a little life in her, and many people who dont even know her are praying at this very moment that she change her mind. She started sobbing and said,"thank you, but I have to leave."

I left crying myself, thinking, oh Lord, I guess I failed. Maybe my faith wasn't strong enough, maybe I was too late. If only I had known sooner I could have gone and talked to her personally rather then on the phone.

Two hours later, I got a call from her. She said she changed her mind, and she hoped she wasnt making a mistake. But she was going to go through with the pregnancy even though she felt she was unprepared, and hadn't taken care of her health enough to have a healthy baby.

I called back my prayer warriors and told them God intervened and a life was saved.

I got a call from her a year later and she thanked me and said she loved her daughter so much, she couldn't even imagine what she was thinking. I told her it wasn't me, it was the power of prayer and the love from a God who knew she would do the right thing and a God who also knew that baby, before she was born and loved her too.

She calls me now and then with updates on her daughter and the nightmare of her almost wrong decision, and her gratitude for a wonderful God.

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